Thursday, July 15, 2010

How Can Educational Administrators use these things?

There are many ways that educational leaders can use blogs. One way is administrators subscribing to other administrators blogs. This is a valuable tool that can be used to ask for help from others regarding ideas you have, and things you are trying to implement on your campus. You can connect with people trying similar things and see how they are doing things and how its working. It can provide you with feedback as to what you may be doing wrong, or encouragement for the things that are successful. Administrators can also communicate with staff members on the campus. They can be used to make staff aware of things such as upcoming events, meetings, campus goals or the school vision. Administrators can also use blogs to communicate with parents and community members.

Blogs were scary to me at first, but now that I see how they can work, it seems to be a very valuable tool. It simplifies the communication process between all members of the educational community. Technology has advance so much that it makes answers to many questions just a click away.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your feelings about blogs. Even thought I am of the younger generation I have resisted getting a blog until this course. I must say I have been pleasantly surprised with my blog. It's a neat way to organize my thoughts and have others help my research.
